dijous, 30 d’abril del 2009

Hansel and Gretel

"In my english classes at Stuyvesant High School the students agree that nothing on television or out of Hollywood could equal in violence and horror, the story of Hansel and Gretel. How can we subject children to the story of some asshole of a father who is so dominated by his new wife he's willing to lose his kids in the woods and let them starve to death? How can we tell children how Hansel and Gretel were locked up by that witch who wanted to fatted and cook them? And is there anything more horrible than the scene where they push her into the fire?"
page 257

In my new english book, appears a curious reflection about this tale. I wouldn't never say that...I've always thought that the witch's house could be my own heaven...I'm so sweet tooth!

dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2009

Stop motion

I saw this video on youtube. It's so elaborate. It is made with an animation technique called "stop motion". It consists of making an illusion: objects seem to move on its own. However, the objects are moved in small periods of time between individually photographed frames, creating illusion of movement when the series of frames are played as a continuos sequence.

Saint George's Day

Let's talk about the best day in the year: Saint George's Day!
For me, it's the most beautiful tradition that we celebrate in our culture. I think is a magic date because the streets fill up with culture and gorgeous red flowers.
The rose has always been valued for its beauty and has a long history of symbolism. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love: Aphrodite (Venus). Besides, Christians identified the five petals of the rose with the five wounds of Christ and it was adopted as a symbol of the blood of the Christian martyrs too... Anyway, it's so perfect!

Above all, it's an explosion of inspiration. How many writings are created when this tradition arrives? This year, I've the honor to work in a book shop...it's crazy but really worthy! Everybody has to read something this day, everybody wants to discover a new book... people look for new stories, new adventures,... only for one day, most of the people believe in the reading's magic.

About the meaning of the word "art"

I've read in my new english book this paragraph that makes me think a lot:

"There was one scene he painted over and over on cavases of various sizes: a group of women in bright pastel head scarves and long flowing silky dresses stood on a beach looking out the sea. I asked him if someone had drowned or were they waiting for something? He shook his head. He didn't know. How could he? He had just put those women there and he wasn't going to interfere with them. That's what he disliked about certain artists and writers. They interfered and pointed to everything as if you couldn't see or read for yourself. Not Van Gogh. Look at Van Gogh."

Just think about it... Don't worry about the meaning of a poem, or a painting, or a writing,... Even the artist won't know that. However, when you saw this painting, when you read this piece of writing...something happened in your head, in your body. If you feel something, I think this creation could be a real work of art. What's art? I can't say it yet. Why? It is a huge word, with a lot of concepts in it. I think art it's a mistery and we have to explore his ways, everything...for understanding it.

dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2009

Uncanny story

I'm so sorry but I don't know an uncanny story. I've never like to think in this kind of things because I'm a really frightened person.
So, solution! I've surfed on the Net and I've found a book: "Thirteen Uncanny Stories" by Hans Henny Jahnn. Take a look at this blog!

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2009

Super Size Me

"Super size me" is an American documentary written in 2004 by Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmaker. The thing is he limits himself to only eating McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's effects on his physical and psychological condition. He is supervised by four doctors and a personal trainer: a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, a nutritionist and a general practitioner. All the health professionals predict the "Mcdiet" will have unwelcome effects on his body, but none expect anything too drastic, because they consider that the human body is "extremely adaptable". In fact, he has some challenges:
  • He must consume three McDonald's meals per day.
  • If Mc Donald's employees offer him, the supersize menu, he must accept it.
  • He will attempt to walk about as much as a typical American, but he can't walk more. If he has to walk more, he must get a taxi.
In conclusion, he consumes 5000 calories per day. As a result, the 32-year-old Spurlock gained 11 kg, a 13 % body mass increases and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction and a big liver damage. It took fourteen months to lose the weight he gained.

I think it's a really interesting documentary because it talks about the increasing obesity in the United States that I consider a big health problem. However, it's fun and well done so, you could enjoy it so much.

And the biggest contradiction: his girlfriend (now, his wife) is a vegan chef!!